Friday, June 30, 2017


Beginning 5th. July 2017, the rooms upstairs will have laminated flooring with sides.

We have changed all flooring infected by termites and the floor is varnished as extra protection.
With laminated flooring, the rooms will look brighter.
The works are expected to be completed by 7th. July 2017.
After the flooring is done, beds will be moved in. New mattresses will be bought so that the rooms can be occupied.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Friday, June 23, 2017


Varnishing of ground floor has been completed today.


AirAsia finally come to Melaka.

Tony Fernandes said Melaka Airport now become a real "International Airport" with AirAsia new routes between MKZ-CGK & MKZ-CAN.

This is the birthday present given to CM Idris Haron by AirAsia CEO.


Last Thursday, we briefed our electrical subcontractor about some on/off switching points.

Due to our new staircase from our rear car park, for convenience for our future visitors, we told them to add 2 way switches near the staircase.

Another switch to switch on/off lights at upstairs rear kitchen.

At the door entrance to the corridor, a switch to turn/off corridor lights.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Sunday, June 18, 2017


After about two and a half months of chaotic and dusty work, renovation works are coming to an end.
Clearing up upstairs, changed floor boards and identified areas that are unfinished.

Sunday, June 11, 2017


Friday, 9 June 2017

Melaka trishaw riders warned to toe the line

A total of 12 complaints were made by foreign tourists against trishaw riders last year. — filepic
A total of 12 complaints were made by foreign tourists against trishaw riders last year. — filepic
MELAKA: Trishaw riders here must maintain their discipline and appearance or face the risk of losing customers in the future.
Deputy Tourism and River, Beach and Island Development committee chairman Datuk Ghazale Muhamad said the state tourism authority had received a total of 12 complaints from foreign tourists against trishaw riders in 2016.
He said the complaints were for imposing excessive fares (four cases), sexual harassment (one) and riding against the flow of traffic (seven).
“Such incidents, if continue to occur, will affect the good name of trishaw services here as well as the state’s reputation as one of the top tourism destinations in the country,” he told reporters after presenting duit raya and Raya goodies to 309 trishaw riders at Restauran Melayu here.
He said the complaints were received via tour guides, phone calls, tourist police and social media.
Ghazale said no complaints were received from local tourists because those irresponsible trishaw operators did not dare to commit the same acts on them.
However, he said on a positive note, no complaints against trishaw operators have been recorded from January to April this year.
“I hope this situation will continue to be maintained,” he said.
Ghazale said a total of 5.38 million tourists have visited the state between January and April this year compared to 4.77 million tourists recorded during the same period last year.
He said if such momentum continues, the state is on the right track to attract 16.75 million tourists this year compared to the 16.28 million tourist arrivals last year.
“Our data to date indicates that the top three foreign tourists to Melaka are from China, Singapore and Indonesia, while the top three domestic tourists are from Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Johor,” he added.


Saturday, June 10, 2017


Intriguing find: The historical dig where the tunnel was found at Banda Hilir in Melaka.
Intriguing find: The historical dig where the tunnel was found at Banda Hilir in Melaka.
MELAKA: An old secret tunnel linking St Paul’s Hill to St John’s Hill has been found, with the state museum body saying more explorations will follow.
Melaka Museum Authority general manager Datuk Khamis Abas said he always believed that the underground pathway existed, based on research by archaeologists.
Both locations are about 5km apart, with St Paul’s Hill inside the Unesco World Heritage Site’s buffer zone and St John’s Hill in Ujong Pasir.
Khamis said more study was needed to find out the actual distance and whether any artefacts were left there by the Portuguese when they fled the Dutch conquerors in 1641 or by the Dutch themselves.
St Paul’s Hill has a hidden doorway near the entrance of the fort, Khamis said.
“It was probably used as a secret escape route by the Portuguese. We only recently confirmed its existence,” he told The Star yesterday.
Legend has it that a dragon-like creature guards the tunnel, but “that is only a myth”, laughed Khamis.
There was a story circulating that several archaeologists from Germany were exploring the underground pathway in the early 1990s and quit after their tracker dog was mauled by a creature inside.
Many historians, including Munshi Abdullah, have also told of the tunnel at St Paul’s Hill.
In Hikayat Abdullah, published in 1849, Munshi said one could walk to the Governor’s residence atop St Paul’s Hill through the tunnel.
Other historians, like John Cameron and Rev Father Rene Cardon, also wrote about it, with some claiming that the records of tunnels built by the Portuguese and Dutch in Melaka are kept in Europe.
Khamis said there was talk of a tunnel running from the Hang Li Poh Well to the Bank Simpanan Nasional building in Jalan Munshi Abdullah, but this was found to be untrue.
“We researched and found there was no such tunnel. It was rumoured to be filled with gold,” he said.
But such rumours have taken on a life of their own over time and there are some people in the state looking for treasure from the Melaka Sultanate.
According to Khamis, these treasure hunters focus on three locations where they believe that Melaka palace officials buried gold bars to hide them from the Portugese.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017


MALACCA: The total number of tourists visiting Malacca rose to 5.38 million in the first four months of this year as compared to 4.77 million for the same period last year, said State Tourism, River, Beaches and Islands Development Committee deputy chairman Datuk Ghazale Muhamad.
He said the increase of 12.7% was very a big push for Malacca which was targeting 16.75 million tourists this year with domestic tourists being the largest contributor with 3.69 million as compared to 1.69 million foreign tourists in the first four months of this year. 
"On May 19, Malacca was listed in fifth spot in 'The World's Trendiest Holiday Destinations' in a report of The British Post which opens a new dimension for tourists to continue choosing Malacca as the best holiday destination in the world," he told reporters here today.
Earlier, he had officiated an Empowering Seminar and Hari Raya Contribution Presentation for 309 trishaw riders registered with Malacca Historic City Council as a trishaw ride is among the main tourist attractions in the state.
Also present were Tourism Promotion Division general manager Norena Jaafar and Tourism and Culture Ministry director for Malacca, Jeffri Munir.
Ghazale said the five main sources of foreign tourists were China with 30.45%, Singapore (20.78%), Indonesia (12.99%), Taiwan (3.86%), and Japan (2.96%). 
He said Selangor contributed the largest number of domestic tourists with 518,265 or 15.34%.
Therefore, he said all parties involved in the Malacca tourism industry need to promote cooperation to boost the development of the industry and attract more tourists to the state.
Meanwhile, Ghazale said last year, the state government received 12 complaints involving the misconduct of trishaw riders. 
"From the total, seven involved trishaw riders going against the traffic flow and four for unreasonable charges and the remaining number involved verbal sexual harassment.
"In this regard, they were called and given warning not to repeat the offences as they are the industry's frontliners and it is the responsibility of all to protect the image and to raise the prestige of the state tourism industry," he said. — Bernama